The United States Government negotiating position ought
‘to be as follows:

Future Lani Use Policy.

Establishcent an& implementation of future land
use policy where radiological contamina ton may be a factor
post involve the Marshallese pzople.
ne Enewetak people
hive been involved in tne planning sna implementation of

the clean-up ana rehabilitation of that atoll.

A permanent

mechanism mist be createc to inspre Marshallese participation

in all future decision-making.

eco réingly, the United

States Government snould orcescseoon establishment of a

joint Commission tO censist ci representatives of the governments of the Northern Marshail Islands and
ef the United
This Commission should be empovarec to make fucrre
land use policy and enforcement decisions wnere radiological
aninatior. may be a factor.



Enewetsn Atoll.
The Bnowetak pecplse are ths benaticisrieses of

a& ¢lean-up and rehahillcaticon crogranm that will cost the
United States Government more than 355 nillisn.

hav2 agreec that this program comstitutes the total

commitment of tha United States fovernment for the cleanus of the atoll.


The Enewetz2k people also have received $1,195,000

and title to Ujelang Atol

(425.8 acres valued at $425,006),

for a totesi of $1,620,099 in compensaticn for land use claims.
Unier the Department cf the Interice formula established to

value Ujelang Atoll,

. {i760 acres)

the entire

land area of the atoll

is.worth $1,760,006.

Thus, in effect the

Enewetak people have received compensation for the full

value of all land on the atoll.
Moreover, they are bound
by a release and hold harmless agreement given for legally
sufficient consideration to the United States.

Select target paragraph3