
$100,000 to the heirs or legatees


$1,000 to each person,

per stirpes and not per capita of any person
who dies as a result of a radiation-related
or his heirs

or lecatees per stirpes and not per capita,
who w2s an inhabitant of Rongelap Atoll or
Utirix Atoll on March 1,


and $1,000

to each person, or his heizs or legatees
per stizrpes and not per capita, who was a
resident of Bikini Atoll Curing the period
January 1, 1970 to date;
$25,000 or less, as the Secretary
of the Interior snall Cecermine, as "compassionate combensation” for rasiologicallyrelated injuries,

Each of these amoun

apart from those mentioned

srould be subiect to negotiation up to

an agreed upon manimum ficure established by the Interagency
Tesk Force on Claims.

exchange for une forescsing, the secnle
Bikini, Fonrvelat
a2 Ucirik Atolls shsii rrovide

a generai relesse of Lil a

the United States Covernme
Trust Territory of the Pec

ch arc me@icsli claims scainst
ana tne 2overnment of the
co Islincs.

each person wishing t> receive any oF the above-described

benefits shall provide in
to receipt therecsi an indi
_and medical claims.

ance 2S = cone@ition vcrecedent
ual relesse oF all nealth

Select target paragraph3