The hichlights of the most serious or frequent accidents are outlined in this Chapter, cov.ring the perioc throuzsh Aucust 1958,
An incident that occurred dur ng the tuild-up period was the drowning
of an airnen of the Weather Reporting clement on 22 February.

Two airmen.

had teen instructed to become familiar with and check out in the operation
of en amphibious vehicle (DUK).

The plan wes to enter the Exiwetok

Lazoon at th: cargo plier and travel East to the personnel pier.


15 mirutes efter departure on the esteblished course, the DUEW

strvck e coral head enc wes abandoned by the two airmen concern:d.


one of the airmen was able to swir to shore, the other wes aprarently

The only life preserv:r aboard th: DUKW was the kapok seats,

end a nclic:

of requirinz that ali persons in water craft be equipped ag

life vests misht have prev nteu this fatality.
Ar. aircreft recsivid extensive dames

as a risult of ground op:raticns.

while towin: a C-5Sh aircraft out of the hanger, th: tug opsrator and wince
wall’-r were net ccordinated on their sipiale.

‘S a result, the aiscrsft

wes turned be rere the stabiliacr and ruddcr had cleared the upcrer door

Total demecze to th rudder and werticel fin was 337286.00.

ive action teken to preclude


recurrence was directirg that scottcrs be

A yellow Tine was peirted

t each entrance éS a poid_


into the hanecre




rlaczc et each wing tip end tie tail cf th. sircreft when towing from oc

lire for t*- tug operator tr follow wher, towing circreft.
To control vehicle treific crossin, to

Clayton horns and Stop sims were inst-Jled,

a-ds of the runwar, lisnts,

Ths red Slashing lights and

Clexten herns wert eomtrolied and oy rated ty tns com rol towtr cperctors.
Durirg the tives wher the runway wes net in use, th: Stop signs were us¢
in conjunction with sions warning vi hicle op=rators of th: dangers cf

Select target paragraph3