Minor injuries are those involving the individual's return to duty
on the same day on which the accident occurs; disa.ling injuries are those
in which the indi-idual does not return to duty the same day, and are
considered "lost time" cases,

Vehicle, aircreft and property damaze

involves accidents resulting in damage to any Air Force property, reyardless of the costs.

The costs indicated on the above tables reflect the

dolter value determined by the type of injury Wich eccurs, as follcws:

Minor Injury - $7.00 each


Disabling Injury - $30.00 for each day hospitalized or quartered

Fatal - $31,590 each.

These are charged as disabling injuries.

Test ase Unit had the resnonsibility for conduct of an effective groun
safety pregram within their organizations,

bai que

The commanders of the Test Services Unit, Test Aircraft Unit, and

To assist them during the

op rational period, a tround Safety Technician was furnished ty Headquarters
Air Force Snecial ‘’ epons Center, at Kirtland Air Force Bese.

This indi-

vaicual worked from the Task Group Headquarters, providing staff-level assistance, insrectins fecilities and assisting in preparation of Jround Accident

He also received and made distributior of safety posters and

other promotional materials and corndcuctea occasional meetings with
licht line and maintenance rersonnel.
Frequent safety jinsrections were conducted of all organizations tc
determine ursefe conditions and rirnoint existinse inad-«quate safety meesurite
Fron the resvlts of these insvections, corrective action was taken by
commancers and surervisors to preclude recurrence.

A total of 2)6 discrep-

ancies were noted deurirg the test period, al) of wiich were corrected or
minimized, resulting in less exposure to hazardous conditions.

Te sefety

edvcation progrem aided in eliminating most unsefe acts of personnel.



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Select target paragraph3