
operation it was necessary to hire native labor at the

camps on the v-rious weather islands.

Arranzements were made to pay the

natives at Kusaie with broken lots of food.

At Tarawa and Kapingamarangi,

the only other islands where indigenous personnel were hired, payment was

made in cashe

To =xpedite payment of these laborers, it was necessary to establish
definite methods of pey-ent in each case.
To effect payment in broken lots of f30d, the island Mayzistrate
certified to the hours worked and signed for appropriate amounts of food,
which was paid on the basis of the current retail value of similiar items
in the local store.

In the case of payments made in cash, the Finance Officer at Eniwet
authcrized the appointment of a Class "A" azent who would make a monthly
trip to each camp site to make payments.
An additional expense was incurred on the island cf Nauru, where
the Australian euthcrities asked payment of guard fees to natives who
giarded aircraft landing at the Nauru airport.

Prompt paymint was essertial

in order to maintain good relations with the Nauru administration; therefore nayrent was effected expeditiously upon receipt of each bill for
such charges.
Two other minor chafges were handled in the same manner as the
guard fees.


The above procedures were considered setisfactory and it is recorrcrced

that similier rroccdures be adopted for subsequent tests.
The attached charts indicate funds utilization during Op- ration






Select target paragraph3