

Chapter 5 - Comptroller


During the period 1 January to 31 August 1958, Task Group 7.4
expended $1, 300,000.00 in direct support of Operation HARDTACK,


money was spent for travel, transportation, communications, overhead
and Operetions and Logistics Support.

Availability of these funds was

derived from two major sources; (1) Normal Service Opsrating Expenses

which were funded hy the services, and (2) Extra Military Expenses which
were funded by Joint Task Force SEVEN.
Fundinz guide Jines were established as agreed upon by the Atomic

Snerzy Commission and the Department of Defense.

These guide lines were

further sup lemented by policies issued by the Comptroller, Air Force

Special Weapons Center and the Comptroller, Task Group 7h.
Durin: the operation the Comptroller, Task Group 7.1, remained at


Kirtland *‘ir Force Base where the accounting records were maintained.
A forward area Gomptroller accompanied the Task Group to the Eniwetok
mroving Grounds to monitor expenditures of funds and prepare revisions
to financial plans as required.
Task Group funds were administered in a different manner from those
of » rormel Air Force activity, since 86% of the allotted funds were issued
to other orzanizations in the ZI and overseas.

These funds were made

available by means of Obligation Authorities, 61% of which involved
exnenditures for travel and per diem of Task Group personnel.
During the planning phase of Op:ration HARDTACK all units assigned
to Task Group 7.4 were asked to submit an estimate of the approximate
mumber of officers, airmen and civilians who would participate in the operation. pon receipt of this information, the Task Group 7.4 Comptroller
prenared the original Financial -lan for Operation HARDTACK, enabling
the Task Group to receive funds in sufficient time to facilitate movement of porsonnel to the Eniwetok Proving Grounds.



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