
returned each mont. durinre
One (1)

‘2s period due to emerg

cy or morale leave.

each film courier was borked each week to return exposed film

to Lookout Mountain Laboratory in Hollywood, Califcernia.

In April and

May, the C-97 and B-36 aircraft support crews were booked to leave after
their aircraft had departed.

In May and June, augmented personnel of

the 4°52nd Support Squadron started to the States.

Starting in Jwly and

reaching a peak in August, the main body of the operation was returned

to the states via MATS.

On] July 1956, the MATS Industrial Funding

System was placed in operation.

This had very little effect on our

This meant that all TDY personnel and cargo moved by MATS

in sunport of Operation HARDTACK was billed to a JTF~SEVEN faond
citation by MATS,

A stamp was provided by JTF~SEV"N to validate all

personnel orders and shipping documents,

(See figure 18, Passengers


Air Eastbound.)
There was very little air cargo moved Eastbound in January, February
and March, but starting in April, a steady build-up is indicated on the
chart recching a peak in July, August and September.

The major part

of the tonnage meved in April, May and June was reparable aircraft
engines, being returned to the depot fcr overhaul.
of cargo was shipped to Hickam.

B-36, C-97 and WB-50 aircraft.

In July, 2C tons

This cargo consisted of "B" kits fcr

The roll-up of air shipment on high

priority hi-value items started in late July and continued through

August and Senterber.

(See figure 19, Air Cargo Eastbound.)

The roll-up of heavy surface lift was started in June when several
special purpese vehicles were declared excess,

Surface lift reached a

peak in August and September when the USS BRCSTRCM, heavy lift vessel
was brought in to return the rerainder of special purpose vehicles to

Unfavorable winds made it necessary to ship six (6) SA-16


hi ker


the CCIUS.

Select target paragraph3