

nts ‘tc the Werther Rad-Saf< Iclands were scheduled cnce a weck

with a flig.

_orting daily for a different island.

Flights to Nauru

and Tarawa were serviced by C~54 aircraft but were limited tc the nurber

of passengers they could take due to a large crew of eight (£) and the
number of persons who could be billeted at the camp site.

A total of

seven (7) passengers were permitted on these ‘flights.
On the SA-16 flights to Kapingamarangi (weight limit 1777), Utirik
(weight limit 2107), Kauaie (weight limit 2291), Rongelap (weight

limit 2225), Wotho (weight limit 2634) and Ujelang (weight limit 3078),
the total weights for passengers and cargo was limited as noted above.
This usually meant a total of five (5) seats for passengers and the
aircraft was filled out with freight including such items as rations,
housekeeping suprlies, PX supplies, film ard mail.

On 75% of the flights scheduled both C-54 ard SA-16 aircraft, to
the Werther Red-Cafe Islends there were more official passergers booked
than could be transnorted.

Priorities wore determined by the STCA end




cne week were slinred to th


he decided which passengers would go.


Passengers that could rot go

and as a result many enncelied cut.

Cn approximately 1 June 1958, Commencer, Task Group 7.4 placed a
policy ir effect that personnel off duty would te permitted to travel
to the Weather Rad-Ssfe Islands and to Kwajalein and Guern or a "space

available" -besis.

This was controlled through Task Group 7.4 (TCA) and

seats were everly distributed among the Task Groups according to


These speces were limited to deserving airmen and cfficers.

Section F - Roll-Up Shipment of Cargo -rnd Fassengers to CCIUS

The majority of the passengers indicated on the figure as moving
Eastbound in January through April were PCS returnees to the CCPUS frem
the 4°51st Support Ssuadren (Test).

About five (5) personnel were


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