Command Operation HARDTACK Project Monitor to assist in all serious
problem areas.

This system provided the necessary management tools to

accomplish the mission of providing complete supply and maintenance

support for all USAF Units participating in nuclear tests in the EPG.
The special supply procedures and the supply organization employed
were adequate to support this operation.

The experience gained will

provide a basis for future refinement and improvement.
Section F - Roll-Up
26,000 line items of supply and equipment were received by AFB 2872
in support of the operation.

These items were in addition to the "A"

kit and organizational items that accompained participating elements.
Limited roll-up was commenced mid-way through the Operation.

One (1)

man was employed full time begining late April to identify duplicate
depot shipments and other excesses.

An average of 890 tons of excess

and reparable property was disposed of each month from May through
18 August 1958.

Disposition of all material was predeterminedc in order

to accelerate tne roll-up prozrean.
Arranje:.srsc were mace with ALS to snip all vehicles in an "as is"

the roll-up program.

7 As acrenge..crc oSgreatly a:icelerated

condition tc a single cestinaticn.

Local fabrication of three (3) standard size

packing boxes was accomplished during June and July.

These boxes plus

the conexs and containers saved from incoming shipments preovicec the
majority of container requirements,

A thtal of 98 personnel from par~

ticipating elements were retained to assist TBU in the roll-up prograi..

A total of 1,961 line items were shipped to the ZI during the
operational period (See Figure 6). ‘Since the cut-off date of this

report is the same as the last shot date (18 August 1958), final rollup figures are not included.






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