States and prepositioned at Hickam AFB to support the WB-50 aircraft.

The residual

property was turned into AFB 5260 as it became *xcess at

The roll-up and disposal of this property was accomplished by

Hickam AFB.
Task Group 7.4 logistic responsibilities at Johnston Island itself
consisted of furnishing approximately 100 separate items of aircraft
ground handling equipment, peculiar weather station equipment and
certain other selected items,

Air Force peculiar spares, except those

required from MATS aircraft were furnished from the =PG.


spares were furnished by the 1502nd Air Transport Wing, Hickam AFB, TH.
The equipment items for Johnston Island were obtained from the EPG ard
Hickam AFB except for 22 line items, wnich were requisitioned
States for delivery direct to Johnston Isitand.
Com-and accomplished roll-up at that site.

fror. the

The JOhnsvon Isend Jase

There was ro stock ritocd

account at this location ard sll property furrishe’ from EF? (AP? 2.7!)
was on a hand-recéipt basis.

The shipping documents

were provir-


the dispcsal of this property by AFB 2272 and forwarded te Jehustor

Tne decunmnts were married to the items erd shipr ert otf sted,

previde an adeaunte foundation for acecrmrlishing the

supriy suerer’

All local procurement ection wib haniled oy the SIA

Procurement Directorate.


central procured

and General Sun-

Stock Fund iten, were obtained from the anprcpriate Air Force prize
depots, and Tesk Group 7.2.

An Operation HARDTACK supply and

Maintenance Project Monitor was designated at each depct to insure
accelerated processing of all requirements.


Fa, AMC also desirrated a

/ 70

Select target paragraph3