to the appro

> depot.

The depot removed the QEC from the re-

parable engine, ouilt—-up a new serviceable engine and shipped to
SMAMA to replenish the back-up stock,

The system worked very well,

however, the orignial quantities proved inadequate due to the extension of the operational phase.

Additional SA~16, RB~50 and .WB-50

engines were added during the operational phase.

(See figure 1

All errines were cocooned by SMAMA prior to shipment.



provided good protection from the elements and enabled us to use

outside storage.

Two (2) suggested improvements to the program are:

That all engines be inspected by SMAMA for completeness and serviceability prior to cocooning and/or shipping, and that all engine forms
This would permit

access to these documents without removal cr opening of the cocoonirg.



and records be attached outside of the cocooning.

Section D ~ Supply Operation in the EPG

Hq, JTF-SEVEN Administrative Order 1-58, Hq JTF-SEVEN, letter J-4/
400.3, 15 May 1958, Subject:

Delineation of Supply and Service Support

in the EPG, 2nd previous Administrative Crders contained vague terminology concerning the logistical responsibilities of Task Group 7.2 in
support of Task Group 7.4.

During the build-up phase it became apparent

that Task Group 7.2 interpreted the JTF-SEVEN Administrative Order
differently from Task Group 7.4.

The referenced Hq, JTF~SEVEN letter

was publ ished to clarify logistical responsibilities and to eliminate
duplicate stockage objectives and like fatilities.

The provisions of

this letter are being gradually integrated beginning concurrently with
the roll-up phase.

The Task Group 7.2 Supply support for this operation was generally

Our total requirements for hot lockers and Class "X"

clothing, however, were not filled until late in the exercise.


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