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In the total ecope of world problems, the return of a small group

of people to their honcland may not loom large. Howavor, the issue
has assumed symbolic proportions in our relationship with Hicronesia

and the Western Pacific.


I hope that we may enlist your personal

interest and support for a favorable deteraination at the earliest
time that the situation will permit. Assistant Secretary Farry R.
Anderson and the Director of our Office of Territories are prepared
to discuss the satter in greater detail with such offictals of your
Departmeat as you may designate.

Sincerely yours,

teat) Stewart L. Udall
Secretary of the Interior

Hoa}Clark, 4. Clifford


Seckttary: of Defense
Washjngton, -D.C. 20301

ec: --Chas. Johnson
Miss E.A.Brown
- Dr. DR. Fritsch —
- or. Horwood
“Mr. Holland



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Select target paragraph3