Desosta efferta over several yeers to assure the Kili people that
aay return to Bikini would be far in the future, they have contina-—

ued to entertain a desire to retern.

In 1966 they approacked the

High Commissioner coacerning the possiaility of poins back.


that end, the Hich Cormissioner aad this Department requested the

Atomic Enargy Commission to make a detailed study of tue renainias
devels of radioactivity in che atoll in view of an indication that
the levels were no longer dancserous. This study was conducted in
April 1367 and the AEC expects scoa to be ahle to cozplete its
aualysis of tne data and to advise us whether er not the atoli is

du fact safe for lieman habitation and the conduct of noraal Usrshallase Llivelinooi.

Asainst the provability that the Atonfe Inerczy Comelssion will
conclude vithin the next For weeks thet the atoll is in fact ssie,
we suould Ifke reapectfully to request that you determine wuetrher

there still recains aay nations] security need for Bikini Atoll.
2 Yecojnize that a vajor land clearing and reseattlonent prosran
will &2 required before a retura by the Eilid preple to Bikini is

actually possisle, and the hish Commissioner is draving up the
Cetails of such a srovesul to pornit ali ef us to plan rore thorwushily the nent steps wirieh: Teed te be tazen. However, it sili be
nécessary to know as soe. as possible after ths nealti detersnination ta made vhethor or not, fron the bafense standpoint, the peerle

can be returned to BihinlL.

hay I sugsest that there are certain “political” criterda which ve
belicve should be weished in reaciins a conclusion vith resrect to
Sihini, One is tae senerally favorable attitude which the Mieronesiaas now have toward the United States, an attLtude whien ve
believe should ba oncourazed and would be encourased by the return
Of tne Sikini people. Anotacr is She possible used, some time in

the future, for additional military land acquisition in the Trust


The land-poor Micronesian is likely to have a yore

fsvoravle reaction toward such ecditional acquisition 1f a dezon-

_>_#tration is cloorly made that ite lands, sues as Bikini, which are

ho loacer necded, are in Fact promptly returned.

Thirdly, we vould

dist the overall credit vhich vould acerue to tne United States 41£
these people, once displaced fer nuclear testinz by the united States,
could be proiptly restored to thcir historie and tracitional nore aa
B000 as it becones feasible to do go.


4229/2108] P0243


Select target paragraph3