Standup. The Commander, JTG, held a "standup" meeting each workday at 0800. The leader of each
project organization attended to state what had been done the previous day and what was planned for
the present day. The ERSP Manager participated in these meetings which usually lasted only 15
Boat Meetings. At 1500 each workday, the JTG, Operations Section (J-3) held a boat meeting. All
project participants requiring boat (or helicopter) support the following day presented their
requirements for coordination. The ERSP field coordinator usually attended these meetings.

SATCOM. As described in Section 2.3.7, several days each week a short radio conference by
satellite relay radio was held between the ERSP principals on Enewetak and their home teams.
ERSP Planning Meetings. Once a week, usually at 1400 on Thursday, the ERSP Manager and group

leaders gathered to review the status of the field work. The sequence of activities for the following
week would be developed.

JTG Operations Planning. Each Friday morning the JTG Operations Officer led a meeting of all
project groups conducting field work to coordinate major activities and intermesh efforts wherever
possible for the following week. The ERSP Manager and field coordinator normally participated in
these meetings.

Each Saturday at noon, all major elements of the project provided the JTG with a brief

written Situation Report (SitRep). The ERSP SitRep was simultaneously sent by teletype to the DOE
home base in Las Vegas and DOE/HQ so they were kept similarly informed.
JTG consolidated SitReps from the individual project elements into an overall project SitRep that
was sent to DNA by teletype. Copies were also distributed to the contributers as another means of
coordination and communication,
ERSP, along with other concerned project elements, participated in periodic meetings of special
committees formed to deal with specific topics or needs. Among those of particular interest to
ERSP were the Safety Committee and the Radiation Control Committee (RCC). The latter group
reviewed programs and procedures dealing with radiation protection and related matters.
2.3.7 ERSP Facilities and Logistic Support

The Enewetak Radiological Support Project had bases on both Enewetak and Ursula Islands. The
main base was the Radiation Laboratory (RADLAB)located near the center of Enewetak Island.
The RADLABwasa cluster of trailers and other structures consisting of the following:

anoffice trailer


a soils preparation trailer


achemistry laboratory trailer


a counting trailer


aninstrument maintenancetrailer

ea liquid nitrogen plant


Select target paragraph3