1.4.1 Nuclear Tests

After World War IIL, field testing of nuclear devices first occurred at Bikini Atoll during Operation
Crossroads in 1946. Tests Able and Baker were conducted there in June and July of that year. In
July 1947, the Atomie Energy Commission announced that it was "establishing proving grounds in the

Pacific for routine experiments and tests of atomic weapons." Operation Sandstone was conducted
during April and May 1948, at Enewetak Atoll. This series of tects consisted of three devices
detonated atop 200-foot steel towers, one each on islands Janet, Sally, and Yvonne. Figure 1-3
shows where each of the 43 tests was conducted during the entire test period from 1948 through
1958. Table 1-3 summarizes relevant data on all tests conducted at Enewetak.

The next series of tests was conducted in Operation Greenhouse during April and May 1951, when
four more devices were placed on steel towers and detonated. Island Janet was selected for two of
the tests, while Ruby and Yvonne were each sites for one test. Tests Mike and King were conducted
during Operation Ivy in the fall of 1952. Mike was the first thermonuclear device tested by the

United States. Island Flora (Elugelab) was selected for the test; a crater in the reef about one mile
across and 180 feet deep now marks the spot where Flora used to be.

Operation Castle involved only Test Nectar at Enewetak in May of 1954, but five other large-yield

tests were conducted at Bikini, including Test Bravo, rated at 15 million tons of TNT and the most

powerful device detonated by the United States to that time. In terms of the number of tests
conducted, the pace of activity was significantly increased two years later during Operation Redwing
when 1] devices were detonated at Enewetak and 6 more at Bikini.

Redwing was the last series to

utilize a steel tower for device placement. Towers were constructed on four islands with two on
Sally, two on Yvonne, and one each on Ruby and Pearl. Surface tests were conducted on Yvonne,
where the Lacrosse Crater now is, and on Irene where the Seminole Crater was produced.
Testing of nuclear weapons and other devices by the United States, Russia, and Great Britain had, by

1956, produced worldwide fear of the hazard created by radioactive fallout.

participation in discussions with the other nuclear powers in


Following U.S.



Eisenhower announced in August 1958, that the U.S. would negotiate with any other country
suspension of nuclear weapon tests. The offer was accepted by the USSR and a moratorium on
testing was set at 3] October 1958. The United States had anticipated the possibility of a halt to
testing, so had assembled a large array of devices to be tested before the start of the moratorium.

Operation Hardtack, Phase I, conducted in the Pacific from April through August 1958, included 22

tests at Enewetak, 10 at Bikini, 2 in the Johnston Atoll area, and one at 86,000 ft. over the sea

between Enewetak and Bikini. In addition, three tests were conducted in the South Atlantic during
August and September in Operation Argus. Operation Hardtack, Phase IL took place at the Nevada

Test Site in September and October 1958, with the detonation of 18 nuclear devices, By the time the

test moratorium became effective, the U.S. had conducted 43 tests at Enewetak, 22 of them in 1958.

The Enewetak tests of 1958 included 16 devices detonated on barges, 7 in the lagoon southwest of
Janet, 8 in the lagoon west or southwest of Yvonne, and 1 on the reef southwest of Alice. Two

underwater tests were conducted to the southwest of Enewetak Island, one in the lagoon north of
Glenn, and one in the ocean south of James. Surface tests included Cactus, which formed the Cactus
Crater on the north end of Yvonne; Koa, which formed a very large crater where Gene used to be;

and Quince and Fig in the north central part of Yvonne. The Quince and Fig tests were responsible
for spreading unburned plutonium fuel over a large area of Yvonne. No additional tests were
conducted at Enewetak or Bikini.


Select target paragraph3