It follows, then, that in areas subject to resuspension by wind, mixing of transuranies from the soil
surface zone to deeper zones would reduce the potential for inhalation and ingestion doses from the

transuranies. On the other hand, plowing of soil contaminated with transuranics and other
radioisotopes such as 137Cs and 9%Sp from the surface zone to deeper zones would cause deposition
of those radioisotopes into root zones of plants and make possible greater uptake into the plants.

Another effeet of plowing is the movement of organic material from near-surface levels to deeper

levels. Since organic matter seems to be concentrated near the soil surface in most Enewetak areas,
removal of this material to deeper depths could cause nutritional problems for shallow-rooted plants
but might improve the soil environment for deeper-rooted vegetation.
Plowing is not necessarily an irrevocable operation.

However, much more soil would have to be

removed after plowing if a decision were made later to remove the contamination than if just the
top layers of soil were removed to begin with. For example, to remove the contaminated soil from
the plowed plots on Janet, about eight times as much soil would have to be removed than would have
been the case if just a six-inch "lift" had been used to remove the contaminated soil, The two
plowed plots, each measuring 25 x 50 m, had no soil removed following the plowing experiment, but
soil was removed from the two unplowed plots. (See Tech Note 9.1.)

(by Bert Friesen, H&N)

6.8.1 Introduction
When nuclear testing began on Enewetak Atoll, the islands of Ruby, Sally, Tilda, and Ursula were

separated from each other by water channels of various widths and depths, flowing from ocean to
lagoon with a brisk current. Preparations for the Yoke test on Sally in 1948 included construction of
a sheetpile causeway connecting points on Sally and Tilda about 300 feet inland from the lagoon.
The 500-foot long causeway formed the third side of an artificial bay between the two islands.
(Later, during Operation GREENHOUSE in 1951, a woodpile trestle was constructed from Tilda to

Ursula, and an earth-filled causeway built from Sally to Ruby; however, interest at the moment

centers on the

Sally-to-Tilda causeway.)






was quickly

manifested by growth of a sand spit from Sally toward Tilda. By 1956, the artificial bay was almost
totally filled with sand; only a small tidal pond remained beside the original causeway. Tower
framework that was not consumed by the Yuma and Kickapoo tests was highly contaminated and
suitable disposal was required for Rad Safe purposes. Similar contaminated debris from earlier tests
was, for the most part, dumped in the lagoon or at sea but, for reasons which are not recorded, the

decision was made to dispose of the Yuma and Kickapoo debris by placing it in the convenient tidal

pond. The pond was enlarged slightly in all three dimensions; metallic debris and contaminated soil
were deposited, a layer of uncontaminated soil was placed as a cover, and a conerete center

monument and four corner posts were placed to mark the "erypt." The center monument carried the

inscription "Contains plutonium contaminated material and sand which is covered with two feet of

earth filL" The coordinates of the four corners were also given. The "erypt" area was overgrown

ee Messersehmidia, Seaevola and morning glory vines when the Enewetak Cleanup Project began in


Select target paragraph3