FIGURE 6-3. WINDROWING BRUSH ON ISLAND JANET. After brush was knocked down by the anchor chain, it
Was pushed into windrows. (July 1977)

The next action was to push the brush into windrows (Figures 6-3 and 6-4) about 150 meters apart.
The bulidozer operators maintained the dozer blade about 6 inches above ground level, but a

substantial volume of dirt was still pushed into the windrows.

The windrows remained in place

(Figure 6-5) until near the end of the next dry season (about April 1978) when they were eventually

all burned with the aid of liberal doses of diesel oil. Oncein piles, the brush was of little concern to

the ERSP until cleanup operations on Janet were nearing completion, at which time the remaining

soil and ash mix was gamma scanned and removed if found to contain TRU above the criteria
applicable to this island.


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