FIGURE 6-2. SYSTEM USED TO DEVEGETATE ISLAND JANET. The two bulldozers pulled the 200-foot anchor chain,
stretched between them, across the brush. Vegetation was knocked down but not removed, (July 1977)

The ERSP Manager on island noted (ERSP Log, 1977), following a meeting with JTG, general
agreement that "present equipment and procedures were not optimum and additional investigation is
required." Alternatives considered included obtaining commerical debrushing equipment, possibly on
excess from one of the military services; burning; obtaining a Rome plow; weighting the chain.
Several experiments were conducted between 13 and 18 August to evaluate burning of brush.


ts were inconclusive with respect to the effect burning would have on redistribution of 137Cg
and 24l Am, Freshly cut brush would not burn, even though doused with a diesel oil/gasoline mixture,


Select target paragraph3