EIC maintained an inventory of repair parts and instruments necessary to keep the 35 Eberline field

portables and 100 probe systems operational during the project for the FRST and DOE.

Additional instrument support was provided to repair the EG&G IMP pulse height analyzer, the HP

9831A computer systems, and spare planar detectors.

Routine analytical procedures are

documented in the

Procedures conform to those specified by the USEPA,

DOE/ERSP procedures in




Internal tracer

techniques were used when feasible for analyses of 2 4y, 3350, 238y, 238 py, 239,24 Pu, 2287p,




243:244Cm and


Chemical yields for alpha emitters were

determined by electrodeposition with an NBS or USEPA solution standard of another isotope of the
element. It was followed by alpha spectrometry and was verified by internal proportional counting
with corrections for impurities based on alpha spectrometry. The value of the 89Sr tracer used in
the 9°Sr determination was measured by gamma counting. Amersham-Searle, NBS, and International

Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards were used to calibrate the high resolution gamma
spectrometer system for various counting geometries.
4.3.1 Field Soil Sampling

Soil sampling was accomplished using DOE/ERSP Procedures 4 and 28, as described in Section 4.2.1
in the preceding section, and sampling procedures were similar to those established by DOE and LLL
during similar projects in other Marshall Islands.
4.3.2 Sample Preparation

Following field collection, samples were transferred to the Enewetak DOE laboratory in 1/2- or
l-gallon paint cans with tightly fitting lids. Each container had a label affixed to the outside with

all pertinent information recorded thereon.

The general sample preparation procedure wasas follows:

The sample was logged in, screened for gamma activity, and assigned a lab number.


Wet weight and estimated volume were recorded.
Sample was transferred to a drying pan and dried at 110°C to constant weight.
Dry weight was recorded.
Sample was transferred to a paint can containing 5 to 10 one-inch stainless steel balls and
ballmilled for four hours.

Aliquots were taken from the A, B, C, and D composites at 0 em, 10 em and 20 em depths. The A
and B composite samples were prepared for gross alpha, plutonium and gamma sean analysis. The A
and C composite samples from 0 cm depth were prepared for 241 am analyses. Aliquots of the
ballmilled material were weighed, placed in a muffle furnace and ashed at 700°C for 12 hours prior
to chemical separation of plutonium, strontium, or americium. Samples for alpha, beta and gamma
analyses were placed in their appropriate counting geometries and taken to the counting laboratory.
All ERSP subsurface samples were dried and prepared for gross alpha and gamma scans.


pereent of the samples were selected to go through the aeagrel sample preparation procedure

described above. The analysis included gross alpha,
8Pu, 2 1240 py, and gamma scan with one out
of every 10 samples analyzed for 4lam, Aliquoting and preparation of each sample was the same
as for surface samples.
FRST samples were dried and prepared for gross alpha counting. The specific sample preparation
procedure wasas follows:

Samples were received at the sample preparation laboratory. These samples were first
checked to assure that each can had a label affixed and that field collection data were
legible and complete.
Samples were then gamma scanned to obtain an estimated activity range (2414m measured
with Eberline FIDLER).

Select target paragraph3