FRST Support. The RADLAB provided counting support for the FRST health physics operations by

analyzing air filters, nose swipes, and equipment swipes. The actual count of various sample typesis
listed in Table 4-1. All counting performed for the FRST was reported directly to the FRST and was

not included in the DOE/ERSP data base. FRST samples that required gamma analysis are recorded
on the LLL archive tapes but all other data exist only in the RADLAB analysis sheets sent to
DOE/NV for storage and in the FRST data system.

method for processing nose swipes.

DOE/ERSP Procedure No. 13 describes the

Eberline health physicists provided consultation on the first

drafts of the radiological operations, plans, and standard operating procedures during early 1977 and
at other times during the project operations.

Off-Site Counting Support. The Eberline analytical laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico,
provided the analytical procedures used during the operation and additional technical support duging
problem periods with on-site counting techniques. The Albuquerque laboratory performed the Osp
analysis of the 100-meter-grid FPDB samples and analyzed FRST-expedited urine samples for
military personnel who extended their on-island assignments.
The urine analysis procedure used is described by DOE/ERSP Procedure No. 14. The off-site analysis
of coral soil for 29Sr followed DOE/ERSP Procedure No. 15. Approximately 10 percent of all
samples recorded were processed for isotopic plutonium and americium as detailed in DOE/ERSP
Procedures No. 10 and No. 11.1.

Instrument Support. Instrument support consisted of calibrating and maintaining both FRST and DOE

field portables, in addition to the RADLAB counting equipment. Calibration procedures for all field
instruments are described in DOE/ERSP Procedure No. 29. DOE/ERSP Procedure No. 18 describes
use of the 100 mCi and 1 mCi 137s gamma source ranges as used on EnewetakIsland.

The Eberline engineer provided direct work supervision of the USAF PMEL staff assigned to the

RADLAB and provided technical training and problem consultation for the FRST/PMEL instrument
repair technicians working out of Ursula.

Select target paragraph3