The specific sampling and analysis techniques are detailed in DOE/ERSP Procedure 28 in Appendix

A. Additional gamma counting capability was provided through the purchase of a medium-volume
intrinsic germanium detector (IG-8) which was installed in the count trailer shield used with the
spare EG&G planar detector. Another counting shield was built using lead brick to house the EG&G

planar detector which provided the third gamma counting system as described in Section 4.1.3.

Table 4-3 lists the islands sampled, the number of grid locations sampled, sample dates, and
minimum and maximum gamma readings (gamma scintillation probe) taken during sampling.

Trenches were exeavated to a depth of 100 em using a tractor-mounted backhoe and samples were
taken using the LLL standard profile sampling technique.
DOE/ERSP provided the DOE vessel Liktanur IL which was anchored adjacent to each island, to be

used as an operations base and living quarters for the FPDB sampling teams. Without the dedicated
use of this vessel, the sampling program could not have been executed in time to meet the May 1979

deadline. The vessel was used because it made possible an 8-hour sampling day on the island, gaining

1 to 4 hours on-site compared to using military transportation and operating out of Ursula or

Enewetak camps. The sampling program wasstarted on Wilma on 26 February. Janet was started on
6 March and completed 15 March 1979. The other northern islands were finished on 2 April 1979, at
which time the Liktanur II was released for return to normal duty.
All samples taken from 100-meter grid nodes were gamma scanned, processed, and shipped to the

Eberline Albuquerque Laboratory for expeditious 9%Sr analysis. The gamma data were forwarded to
DRI for transmittal to LLL. The 99Sr analysis data from the Albuquerque laboratory were forwarded

directly to DRI at Las Vegas, Nevada for transmittal to LLL. A total of 36 boxes containing 645
samples from the 100-meter grids were shipped to Albuquerque for analysis through 5 June 1979.


Select target paragraph3