Sampling locations were referenced to grid nodes. The area around the grid nodes generally was

disturbed during lane clearing for the in situ measurements. The actual undisturbed areas were
generally less than 50 percent of the total area of the sampling pattern which was occasionally

shifted to maximize the undisturbed points.

Subsurface Soil.

Subsurface soil samples were taken to evaluate areas where burial may have

occurred or where actual surface samples or in situ gamma readings indicated elevated levels of
transuranic nuclides. Soil augers, taken to Enewetak to be used as one method of sampling, failed to
provide good samples due to the large rocky chunks of coral always present and sandy soil caved back
into the hole. Profile pits were provided by ditching with a backhoe to a depth of approximately
180 cm. A clean sidewall was obtained by removing loose material with a spade. Samples of 1000
em® were taken at the surface and centered on vertical depths of 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 and 120 em
using a standard 2-ineh-high by 4-ineh-wide closed-top sidewall sampler (See Figure 4-6). No
specific procedure was written for the sidewall sampling, but care was exercised in the field to

eliminate depth cross-contamination. One-half-gallon paint cans were used with aluminum labels
similar to those used in the surface soil sampling procedure. Some logging of profiles using a gamma
detector was done but not on all early profile sampling locations due to gamma background levels
that were high enough to interfere with the in situ profiling effort. Profile investigations were

performed on theislands of Irene, Janet, Pearl, Sally and Yvonne.

4.2.2 Fission Product Data Base (FPDB) Program
The Fission Product Data Base Program was initiated to expand the data base for the LLL dose

assessment work to be reported in the summer of 1979. Eberline was requested by DOE in January
1979 to provide the additional equipment and manning necessary to sample an estimated 1200 profile

locations from the northern islands, and to provide 187Cs and 9%Sr analysis data to LLL.


additional technicians were sent to Enewetak in March to assist field sampling teams in collecting
and processing samples to meet the LLL deadline. Personnel levels were back to normal by July.


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