If there is

plane trouble, the ships are either locked om

& prescribed course or there will be a helicopter which will be in a
standby position to take over. (The ships have an emergency control at

the tip of the mast where everything oan be shut off; ‘apparently hand
helicopter is not instrumented to be a control, it is just to shut

off if necessary.)

Ogle mentioned that the conditions for flying planes around

will be a little bad anyway, recalling the apparent weather change which
occurred after Nike. There will be clouds and falleouts the aircraft
will have to be doing considerable worrying about itself in addition

to watching the ship.

If it is flying above cloud cover it will have to

position by radar. At zero time it will have to be where it can see the
ships, and must be reasonably far away fram zero so that it does not get


Also there is another requirement, that it not be where the falle

out is ocourring.

Kingsley said it could work from about 30 miles away.

Someone asked about the 125 veople. Presumably the ships are
moored either at Bikini or Buiwetok. To get them underway again requires

6 to 8 people, the rest will be taken off. They want them to live at
Bikini, but Kingsley sees no reason why they cannot be evacuated, since
they will not be used for decontamination. (They need them to bring the
ships back, so cannot send them home.) The ahips get underway under their
own power, and go out to some fringe area, perhaps 20 or 30 miles fron

zero, this with 6 or 8 people to operate them. Two hours before the shot
they go on drone and the people will have to be lifted off. The Task
Force has expressed quite strongly that their preferred method of lifting

them off ia by helicopter.

Then at the end of eight hours tugs will pick

up the ships and tow them baok.


Two tugs will be tied up towing these ships to a position for
It was TU+l5's feeling this could be in the Bikini lagoon,

order to cut down the time the tugs and other
support shipe are tied up.
One tug was to stand by for hosing down the
two ships as a preliminary
decontamination measure. (The purpose
of the project is, of course, to
proof test AW countermeasures-<the
instrumented ship will be compared
with the uninstrumented one by devices
on the ship--b

to be cleaned off for the next shot.)


ey still have

Curry asked whether these tug
s will come out as part of 6.4
or whether they must be ones we
have already re quested. Wewill
This job plus towing the helico
pter barge commits these three;
he joe
not know how

other requirements,

requirements there will be.

This project also wants 2 LCi!

ships as a clothes-change station and
operate a ferry service for the

sho Availab

one to stand by the

shower room, . le,
the oth er one to

they use a barge instead of an Lae Party people.


The DOD does have


It was suggested

Select target paragraph3