

Evaluation of IBDA Teohniques = WADC
Kwejalein-mounted, requires no shore construction at Bikini.


Effects of Blast, Gust, and Thermal on Aircraft in Flight - WADC
Will be mounted at Kwajalein.

Only one aircraft will be

employed, a B-36, instead of two as originally proposed.


Electromagnetic Effects - ESL
No shore construction requirements.

Will require a very high-

frequency radio band; it is not yet known whether this must be a clear
channel. TG 7.1 would like to have their frequency requirements as soon
as possible.


Prooftesting of AW Countermeasures = BuShips

The Task Force and project people had a meeting on this in
Washington on Monday. As far as shore construction requirements are con-

cerned, there will be none, but moors will be necessary to hold the ships
while they are being decontaminated, and it appears two tugs will be
needed to tow the ships.

eight hours.

(The ships can be radio-controlled for about

They will start droning at E = 2 and will run through the

cloud, etc., but then have to be towed back.)

No final decision was made on details at this meeting, the

Task Force was just acquainted with the problem.
people wanted to run the ships back to Eniwetok.

Originally, the 6.4
There was a feeling at

the meeting that this would not be necessary, that they could be moored

in the Bikini lagoon.

This raised the question, however, of perhaps

having to move them out because of contamination of the Bikini lagoon.

The ships are at Mare Island now, and the Task Force and
Preject people will take care oftheir being put into commission. If this

can be treated as a test operation, the total number of people will be

around 126. There has apparently been no ground gained in getting a control ship for this project. They want radio control for both steering and

main engines (so as to control both speed and direction).

They have a

P2V for the control airplane and also want to plot the position of these
ships from the Task Force command ship and give orders to the control air-

craft from there. This was to be pursued further this week at another
meeting with the Task Force. The latter was trying to avoid having people

in the control room on the ship, wished to have them all in the control




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