Here is a 4 Mar. 59 memo for DDR&E from DASA on the subject of "High Altitude
Weapons Effects Program for Operation Willow."

This follows discussions of Argus


at a recent meeting at Livermore on the subject from 4 to 18 Feb. and states, "the.

conclusion reached by the AFSWP and the services is that the shell effect of trapped

electrons is not one. of sufficient military. value. to warrent specific further
investigation at this time.

It is believed, however, that certain effects on

communications and radars and other effects at the conjugate point and at surface 3
zero resulting from trapped electrons and/or fission debris do warrant further


It goes on to state how this would fit into the AFSWP technical

measurement programs and would require the inclusion of two additional shots from ©
Johnston Island with modifications to place emphasis on measurement at the conjugate


Select target paragraph3