
Cross referenced here is a 3 March 1959 message from Cmdr. JTF-7 to
DMA and others which plans for a requirements conference at JTF-7


Headquarters on 10 March and Is filed In "353.4 Planning" Folder.
Further correspondence in reference to that conference such as Starbird's
message dated 5 March elaborates to the effect that sentexgrcexxiktk the

- conference will develop specific planning factors to enable the formulation
of a detailed operational plan for the possible conduct of a hurry up open
sea atomic test series.

This conference was postponed unti! further

The fast piece of correspondence in this folder is a 3 March 1959 TWX from
Qeemen smear ere ore
the Commander of STF? to the Director of DMA, the Commander of Task Group


7.1, the Commander of the 4950th test group at Kirtland, and the Commander

of Task Group 7.3.

Subject of the TWX is a planned conference to be held


at JTF7 headquarters in Washington on the subject of future test planning.
Specifically, the conference is to formulate the detailed operation plan
for the possible conduct of a “hurry-up"open sea atomic test series as
discussed at a 28 January 59 meeting at ALO.

The conduct of the test, of

course, would depend on a change In the national policy that would permit
resumption of atomic testing, the requirement for early proof tests relative
to certain devices, and being denied the EPG due to political. considerations.

it would be to assure the continuous capability for joint Task

‘Force 7 to conduct a timely test series should the national

interest so

‘dictate. The gencral concept of operations would be to commence testing
three to five moriths after a decision to proceed, have about 8 detonations
of LASL and Livermore devices ranging from about 200KT up to 8 megaton& and
that these devices would be detonated tn the open sea, 300 nautical miles
southeast of the istand of Hawaii using the combination of LCU ships as


zoro Stghii. with LSO mother ships.


This concludes the notes on the Uniwetok



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notice and apparently not rescheduled at least right away.

Select target paragraph3