4Mar.59memo to DOR&E from Parker (AFSWP Chief) on High Altitude Weapons


Effects Program for Operation Willow.

Notes that Feb. 59 meeting

at LRL on Argus concluded that the shell effect of trapped electrons

- didn’t have sufficient military value to warrant further specific
Investigation at that time.

However, effects on communications and

radar and conjugate point effects do warrant further investigation.
30 Jan. 59 memo proposed a Category |! High Altitude Program of 4
shots for Army, Navy, AF, and AFSWP.

at J. 1.:

This memo adds two more shots

250 kt at 1000 km and |.MT at 190 miles.

Parker requested

approval of new program with two more tests and says a coordinated
plan for the WILLOW High Altitude Program will be worked out and

4 March 1959, J-10 Report:

In-relation to. LASL activities in

the areeofhighalttiude phenomenology, in addition to the extensive
data reduction going on for the high altitude shots during Hardtack,

Hoerlin has been providing technical and scientific advise on high
attitude phenomena to visitors from at least a dozen different agencies
mostly DOD agencies such as AFSWC and AFSWP over the last few months.


Select target paragraph3