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19 Feb. 59 personal


fetter from Starbird to Molnar (Sandia) on Sandia's

high altitude test proposal.

Reference to a 14 Jan. 59 proposal

and earlier (19 Nov. 58) letter from Fowler.

This is a joint LASL/


Sandia diagnostic shot proposal...Sfarbird has suggested to AFSWP
a Joint AEC/DOD high altitude program and an Albuquerque meeting

AFSWC History Office


4A 20 February 1959 TWX from the 4950th to its subordinate units notes
that ARDC has forwarded a requirement for six B-57D aircraft to Headquarters,
Air Force.

Furthermore the TWX generally reaffirms the requirement

to.plan for and be ready for and continue to tevise and update operating
procedures and plans documents towards the possibility of returning to testing.
It also states that the Chief of AFSWP states that there is no date set for
test site activation and that resumption of testing will be dependent “upon the
outcome of Geneva negotiations.

The 4950th stresses that no actions should

be taken which would jeopardise or reduce the Air Force capability for,
continuing development of test capabilities or maintenance the capability to
resume testing immediately following the end of any moratorium.

Select target paragraph3