The entries in this folder go up through 1950 and then there is a gap with

2 next document dated19 February 59.

This a memorandum

on the

, NP

rject of “immediate requirements for Seismic data from underground explosions."
notes that additional underground tests are needed to resolve many of the

{isting uncertainties in estimating an effective system such as the one proposed
the Conference of experts and sets out a number of proposed tests which they
aL should be done within the next twelve months to determine the direction and
gnitude of the further research program. It also notes that the Berkner panel

now looking into an overall planning study for Seismic research.

The suggested

st of shots includes several nuclear tests in various media, including granite,
well as decoupled tests, and HE shot for comparison.

Also, the suggested

strumentation is set out in order to gather the appropriate
data to learn about
> effects of decoupling, the signatures of various te sts, etc.

gram it is felt could began

withing seven to ten months.

This specific

The memo was written

the Deputy Technical Director, D.H. Rock, and was sent by Starbird to the Labs
i Operations Offices tor their comments

The test proposal notes many of the

remore tests underground to date and the work done by and presently veing done

Livermore in the area of Seismic detetection.

rer offthe LASL transmittal
underground shots.

Ogle wrote some comments on the

letter as follows: " Seems to me we have no “need"

We can comment that if underground firing only is resumed

*@nat shots might partially satisfy the requirements to fire in a different

ium than before.
i"t at Livermore."

Watt is working on theories of “decoupling"-even though he


Select target paragraph3