
An 18 February 1959 TWX from STarbird to Hertford with info. to Bradbury
and others references a memo from ALO dated February 6, 1959, Subject:
- " Weapons Testing - Alternate Methods and Locations."

In reference to

the results of the planning conference which apparently was held by
ALO recently, Starbird concurs that Eniwetok is the preferential
solution from the AEC standpoint should it-be available forfuture
testing but agrees that ft ts gratifying to know that the conference
worked up a reasonable alternative should return to EPG be dented, and
this alternative apparently is an open sea test capability.


authorizes ALO to take certain preliminary actions ‘to begin to develop

a readiness capability for open seas testing: (a) the labs are authorized
to submit design criteria to H &N, Sandia and EG&G for the LCU's and

for modifications of an LSD to a diagnostic ship.
(b) ALO is to authorize H & N, Sandia and EG&G to proceed with design
and engineering for LCU shore vehicles, design for médification of an
LSD, and design of timing and firing and diagnostics systems.

(c) ALO is to exptore further the use of Pear! Harbor and Hilo for
such a test capability.


JTF~7 notes that by separate correspondence they are proceeding with the
procurement and designation of the appropriate naval ships for this


Starbird finally emphasizes that all these investigations

and activities relative to alternate methods and

locations should be


conducted in a low publicity manner to avoid the misinterpretation that

we are proceeding. towards nuclear testing.By a TWX dated

19 February

[959 Hertford passes on to LASL, Livermore, EG&G, H&N and others the DMA
author izations for proceeding with the open seas test capability feasibility

studies and planning.

Hertford proposes that in light of the tow profile

desired for this study that perhaps It could be accomplished by a one~time


Select target paragraph3