
Another Livermore paper, COr-59-13, dated February222. is entitled "Preliminary

rasibility Look at Outer Space Testing" by Olen Nance and R. Stephen White.


stem that they proposed would be for testing nuclear devices in outer space and
soviding the appropriate measurements.

This preliminary study addresses a

ttonation at about 160,000 kilometers with .

done by:

a detection pod

parated ten kilometers, earth satellites, and earth ground stations.

The concept

nerally calls for using a Livermore device on board an ATLAS with upper stages,
be launched from Johnstone or another isdlated Pacific island with the first
tual weapons test being conducted about 18 months from go-ahead.




2 February 59, wnich f Ee
Thomas Wainwright wrote a Livermore paper #COT59-15, dated tps
so eet


proposed by Latter and Bethe together
refers to Latter's test detection system as being
bility of escaping detection by using
and Wainwright's brief paper discusses the possi

various kinds of shielding.

Select target paragraph3