“In Feb. of 1959, members of JTF-7 further investigated this concept and
visited and inspected a Navy LSD called Fort Swelling.

After inspecting the

ship, Col. Vest and whoever else was with him made the recommendation that
future planning for the use of a LSD as the Command ship be discontinued

C. Y

and that an AGC type of vessel be employed as the Command ship, AOC and
floating hotel.

This use of an AGC would greatly enhance the communication

capability of the Commander...

I am not sure what operation they are talking

about planning for, unless it is just a general open sea test capability.

A 31 Mar. 59 memorandum within the Navy discusses the target ships which were
used on Hardtack.

They are three destroyers:

USS Killen, (DD~593), and the USS Howarth,

the USS Fullam, (DD-474), the


for Operation Willow as presently planned is detailed.

The use of Navy ships
Of.the three destroyers

only the Howarth is to be retained to be used as a target in Operation Willow

and should be retained at the present location until a target ship outfitting

activity is selected...

Willow is called a surface and underwater test

‘program for weapons effects information and this memo just addresses the
Navy's support requirements.

One other large ship is to be selected as a

requirement for exposure to weapons effects in an unmanned configuration
at a planned tactical delivery range for sub-surface nuclear ordinance.
The objective is to demonstrate ship, component and systems response to
weapons effects.

Several other ships are noted and would be used to measure

various effects and such things as severe hull damage and damage to super

structure is noted.

As for mooring, “A joint bureau of ships-CTG 7.3 study

has evolved a plan for mooring the above targets

in deep water without the

use of mooring barges as in Hardtack and at considerably less expense, effort”
and time.

A requirement for mooring barges therefore is not given at this

time since it is expected that.a mooring test about May, 1959 will demonstrate
the feasibility of improved mooring plan."

Select target paragraph3