A 3 Feb. 1959 document written by JTF~7 and in particular Col. Watson


of 3-3, addresses planning for two alternatives for future overseas testing
which are:


A hurry-up test of 90 day lead time utilizingnpenxsea open sea

testing and, B.

A full Operation Willow about mid 1960.

The other staff

organizations of Task Force 7 are requested to study the two concepts and
recommend their manning levels to function under each of the concepts based
on certain assumed changes within the Task Force as £oilows.

For the 90 day

open sea testing concept, it should be assumed that Task Group 7.1 would be

not involved but that Headquarters of JTF-7 would handle those functions and
that Task Groups 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 would be reduced to minimum planning staffs
following a decision to move to this concept.

EPG would be reduced to a caretaker -

status and would not be involved in such a concept.

The phasing for the

reduction of staff personnel to this particular concept would be about 6 months
after a decision was made to go ahead with it.

As for Operation Willow, a

planning letter #JIC/S-80530 of 18 Nov. 1958 is cited in reference and the following
assumptions are made:

Since there is a possibility of overlap at the Eniwetok and

Johnston Island phases, the Headquarters Staff should be capable of being split up

for the simultaneous conduct of both phases.

Task Group 7.1 wouldbe abolished

with its functions takeover by JIF-7 Headquarters.

Task Group 7.2 would be reduced

with H&N taking over most of the previously assigned housekeeping duties.



would remain unchanged and Task Group 7.4 would exist as a planning group.
Allof the staff organizations are requested to present their proposals to the
Chief of Staff of JIF-7 not later than 9 Feb. 59.

The replies from the various

Groups are attached with very little mention or comment on substance of the
proposals and their assumptions.

Select target paragraph3