



we should also like to reiterate that ic is unfortunate that

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funds for this project cut into the annual appropriations.

The question of additional compensation ‘or these people
should also receive immediate attention. Rightly we.
believe that this funding should come directly from the
Department of the Defense and the Atomic Energy Commission.
Furthermore, as Representative Ekpap Silk has pointed out,
the program does not rehabilitate all of the islands to
cheir original condition. Also, it should be noted that,

contrary to the Administering Authority's report to the

United Nations, Bikini, which was the site of 23 nuclear


detonations from 1945 to 1958 is by no means "radiation free"

--despite a Presidential announcement. Some of the islands
cannot be used in che future, We are in agreement that
the Administering Authority's responsibilities should not
cease with the physical recurn of the people.


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I believe the Congress will also agree with the Mission

that the United States, after announcing it would return

Eniwetok to its former owners, should not have conducted

further tests,

These people, from an atoll which suffered

35 nuclear explosions from 1948 to 1958, have strongly

protested ‘the proposed program. We hope the Administering
Authority will comply with this expression of local sentiment,
whether or not the present injunction against the tests will
be upheld. Additionally, as in the case of Bikini,
rehabilitations costs for Eniwetok should not be allowed ||

to cut into the future grant fund structure, It is also
hoped that planning will include the full wishes of these

displaced people.


It would seem advisable that the Atomic .

Energy Commission would wish to avoid the kind of controversy

which developed in Rongelap and Utirik by a successful public
information program concerning radiation in Marshallese
erore those people are returned.

Relative to the health and social aspects of the people:

of Rongelap and Utirik Atolls who were exposed to radioactive
fallout in 1954; I believe that there is little I can add ..
to the report of the Special Joint Committee of the Congress
which was given to the Visiting Mission. Representatives
o£ the Committee will meet this month with representatives
of che Atomic Energy Commission in Washington, to discuss certain recommendations which it has made,
In other, more general areas of social importance, we

ace happy to reporc that lew cost housing legislation
was passed by the Congress,
This legislation recognizes





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