
fact that all Micronesians have the right to have sare,
decent, and sanitary housing at a level which they can afford.
In the area of social advancement we are pleased to
aonounce that the very successful Social Security Program
initiated by the Congress several years ago continues to
receive favorable support and funding through recent legislation.
Due to this program's success, a reduction in employee

contributions has been achieved by passage of Public Law
No, 5-15.
Finally, we take cognizance of the recommendations made

by the last Visiting Mission regardingthe need to foster
and initiate a more positive and aggressive program of
political education throughout Micronesia. As this Council
is aware, our Congress created a Political Education
Commission whose task is aimed among other things at
developing a general political education program in Micronesia,
in developing general knowledge of different systems of
government and events within and without the Trust Territory,
and in vromoting understanding of issues relating to future
political status. In this regard, it is doubtful whether
issues having tervitory-wide scope can serveas the common
denominator in fostering the creation of territory-wide

political party system in Micronesia, as suggested by the
Visiting Mission, but we are confident our planned efforts

cto pursue this important matter with the cooperation and

assistance of the Administration will enable us to report to


this Council a more positive action and results by next year.
In summary, it is becoming increasingly clear that if

the interests of Micronesia are to be promoted, it is going
to be up to Micronesians through their Congress to blaze

the trail. We can no longer afford to sit back and wait for
the Administering Authority to act. We can no longer
afford to have budgetary priorities set in Washington instead
o£ Micronesia. We can no longer afford to let our development

be described by expediency rather than relevancy to our

long range goals,
t is time Micronesia's development in
all areas-~-social, educational, and economic be viewed as
a whole,

A program that is balanced, relevant, and realistic

must be developed and carried out.

These steps musi be taken immediately and fostered to
their fulfillment. If not, the ultimate involvement and

cooperation between Micronesia and the Asian-Pacific nations

wili be no more than wishful thinking.

We all know wishful


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