
Authority and especially the Congress cannot afford to
waste precious revenues in this area, A second disturbing

facc related to this apparent "drop out" of studentsis the
fact +hat some of the Mocronesia students who do graduate

are either unable to find jobs, or leave Micronesia because the
wages and benexits found elsewhere are more attractive.
While there are no statistics to document. this--outward

flow of Microngsian manpower is a fact of lite which members
of Congress: are aware of in each of the districts.

Thus we see.the goals of the next few years for

Micronesia's education system providing training of our
labor force at all levels, keeping this work force with an
aim at self-sufficiency, and upgrading at all levels to
maintain. quality of this resource in the future.
Education in ail aspects we consider a prime importance.

We. thus were gratified

to see the Administering Authority

indicate some interest and concern in.this area by the
formation of a special Joint Task Force of the Departments
of Health, Education, and Welfare and the Interior.
Unfortunately, we have yet to see:the final draft of the
Task Force's resort. We do not know how proposed cuts in
funds for the Office of Economic Opportunity and HEW

budgets will affect its recommendations.

In like fashion, we are unsure at this point of what
assistance the task force report will be to social development
in the Trust Territory.



We have yet to see any initiation of the recommendations

the U.S. Social Advisor to the. Paeific whose report was

ntioned last year before this Council,

” QO


The environment

© the district center areas due to an influx of people

FeCrsae mere rene

from outlying areas is producing its share of juvenile
delinquency, and health, and other social problems, It
is clear that such problems require the foresight, manpows?
and tunds to resolve the problems of delinquency. We need
to improve our penal system to thwart recidivism and to insure
rehabilitation. The fucure of Community Action Agencies
are at present fatally linked to the fact of the Office of
Economic Opportunity program which is now in limbo and beyond
che competence or resources of the Congress.
As regards a particular area of social advancement we

have noted that the 1973 Visiting Mission looked favorably

upon the present Bikini Rehabilitation program.



Select target paragraph3