--Compensation for lost land or land usage as a result of
nuclear tests;
--compensation for loss of their cash crops if the crops are
found to be unacceptable contaminated with radioactive elements;
--obtaining formal unqualified assurances that living pattern
restrictions will be effectively enforced after the Trust
Agreement is ended;
--the specifics of follow-up radiologicalsurveys,,of monitoring the
health of the resettled people and the radioactivity In the
environment, and of periodically monitoring and inspecting the
entombed radioactively contaminated soil and debris on the
island of Runit;
--the future status of the entombed radioactively contaminated
soil and debris and how future monitoring and inspection can
be accomplished, and
--the specifics of a supplemental feeding program, if required,
until the time the people of Enewetak are agricultural selfsufficient.


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Select target paragraph3