

Ne previously mentioned that the United States expects to soon end
the Trust Agreement.

Thus, the United States will be leaving a radiological

contamination legacy on foreign soil,. However, there has been no agreement
with the people of Enewetak on the future status of the entombed radioactively contaminated soil and debris or how future monitoring and inspection
will be accomplished.

Possibility of supplemental
feedinq p rogram
From the time the people of Enewetak return to their home atoll
until their subsistence agricultural system is providing encugh food
for them, the United States may have to initiate a supplemental feeding
program to fill the void.

The possible extent of any such program is at

. this time uncertain; however, the particulars of any such program, including
the criteria for starting and ending it, should be resolved.
Conclusions and recommendations
In the wake of the Bikini situation, the United States can illafford to leave several significant issues related to its nuclear
testing program at Enewetak Atoll open.

The Departments of State and

Interior should assure that agreements are reached with the people. of
Enewetak concerning:




Select target paragraph3