



It also assumed responsibility for monitoring the radioactive ty in the
environment subsequent to rehabilitation.


These matters are vitally .

important because only through follow-up monitoring can developing
potentially hazardous radiological situations be detected.

There is,

however, no official agreement between the United States and the people
of Enewetak regarding these matters.

Such an agreement could avert

potential future conflict regarding such surveys and monitoring and


provide more assurance that any developing potentially hazardous
radiological problem would be detected early and dealt with quickly


Need to monitor and inspect
entombed radioactively
contaminated soil and debris
The radioactively contaminated soil excised at”Enewetak Atoll for
disposal is entombed on the atoll in a crater on Runit Island which is expected
to be quarantined indefinitely,

The soil is m~xed with cement and water to

soil-cement slurry which is then placed in the crater.


An 18-i”nch thick concrete cap will

“debris will also be dumped into the crater.

be placed over the entire mass for erosion resistance and as a.shield from
alpha radiation.

Some migration of plutonium-particles to the surrounding

environment could occur since this method of entombing, or containing, the contaminated material is not required nor intended to be leak-proof.

migration is not expected to pose a significant hazard.

Any such

This method Gf con-

tainment w“ll require periodic monitoring and inspection to ensure its integrity,
but no organization has assumed such responsibility.




Select target paragraph3