


responsible for rehabilitation and resettlement.
completed in October 1969.

The cleanup was

The AEC certified that the program of radio-

logical scrap removal, environmental sampling and general radioactive
cleanup had been satisfactorily completed.
The Bikini project was the focus of recent publicity and congressional
concern when abnormal quantities of radioactive elements were detected
in some.of the people living there.

These discoveries triggered a DOI

decision this year to request $15 million from Congress to again relocate
the people of Bikini.
Although similar in nature, there are significant differences in
the Enewetak and Bikini projects.

For example? some radioactive

contaminated Enewetak soil is being excised and disposed of, whereas
there was no cleanup of such contaminated soil at Bikini.
residences for the people of Enewetak, unlike



for the people of

Bikini, are being constructed on islands which are essentially free of radioactive contamination.

Following is a pqrtial cmparison

made by DNA of the

. .

Bikini and Enewetak cleanup projects.

Both atolls are located in the Western Pacific near the
international date line just north of the equator. The diet
and liv~ng habits of both people are about the same - they
tend to live in family groups 6n the largest islands, to grow
subsistence crops near the family living area.and develop
larger areas for cash crops. Birds, bird:s eggs and other
edible wildlife are gathered from the smaller islands. Fish
are taken from the lagoon and clams and other shell fish
gathered from the reef. They are primarily gatherers rather
than producers. An extensive survey was conducted in both
cases to determine the impact of testing on the environment.
This was followed by an extensive report of the findings-and
an evaluation of the physical and radiological hazards. On
both atolls the radionuclides of principal concern are


Select target paragraph3