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cesium-137, strontium-90 aridplutonium. The likelihood of
an individual receiving a dangerous dose of radiation from
external radiation on either atoll is extremely small because “
of the low average of surface radioactivity levels. The
lagoon water has very low radioactivity levels, the fish and
shell fish were found to have low levels of radioactivity
also. However, the foods which are grown in the soil
containing cesium and strontium were found to have high
levels of activity and were predicted to be the principal
sources of exposure. In some cases the”ground water contains
cesium and strontium.


The differences are significant. At Enewetak there
were 43 tests, one of which was a safety test which produced
no nuclear yield but a large amount of contamination, compared to
only 23 detonations on Bikini. All of the tests at Bikini
were over water placing the craters and most of the debris in the
lagoon. At Enewetak the majority of tests were
conducted on or over land. All but two of the tests were on
the northern islands where a“llthe significant radiological
contamination is found. On Bikini the contamination is
principally the result of fallout while at Enewetak induced
radiation as well as fallout contributed to the contamination.
During testing Enewetak had well-established base camps to
support scientific and other test personnel in ttce
half of the atoll which is relatively free of contamination
whereas all of the islands on Bikini Atoll were contaminated
to a degree, some more than others, by fallout.
Scope of review
We reviewed the Enewetak Atoll cleanup, rehabilitation, and resettlement project to identify significant issues which should he resolved before.

the United States considers the project finished.

Me interviewed officials of

“agencies involved in the project and representatives Qf the people of

Me also reviewed pertinent files, reports, and other materials

and observed conditions on the atoll.
The review was principally performed at
--DNA headquarters, Arlington, Virginia;


--DOE headquarters, Germantown, ”Maryland;.
--DO~ headquarters, Washington, D.C.;-


Select target paragraph3