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Comparison of the Enewetak and
$ikini projects
The EnewetaK Atoll cleanup, rehabilitation, and resettlement


was preceded by a similar project at Bikini Atoll.
In December 1966, the Atomic Energy Con&ission (now DOE) in resPonse to a
request from the DOI, agreedto determine if Bikini Atoll and its lagoon were safe
for habitation.

In April and May 1967 an extensive radiological survey was

made of the atoll.

A year was required to analyze the radiation data and

environmental samples collected during the survey as we~l as data from
all previous surveys and Trust Territory reports concerning the living
habits and diets of’the people of Bikini.

After reviewing all availzble

data, an ad hoc committee of eight consultants
.- appointed by the




Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) concluded radiation offered no significant
threat to the health and safety of any of thepsople
. .

of Bikini who might elect

The committee also reconunendedactions Wit

would further reduce

exoosure to radiation, for example, dietary supplements, periodic resurveys of
of the atoll, and removal of radioactive scrap.
Based on the favorable findings of the ad hGc committee and the
expressed desires of the people of Bikini, the Secretaqy of Interior
recommended to the President that the United States take action as
necessary to return the people of Bikini to their home atoll.


the President announced that the people of Bikini WOU1d be returned

to their former home.
February 1969.

Cleanup and rehabilitation work began in

DOD and AEC were responsible

for the,cleanup and

radiological health and safety aspects of the cleanup, and DOJ was


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