x wi * ” Bepartmont of Eseray Washington, B.C. 20545 w te ae + mn Toby. a TS Syke eee artes ‘ ca. wee WES A gy. ; vs £ q+ - Peart te ot «a Pie teed Bes ae. a ye , Gpexational ang Environmental Savety, on the urgency of obtaining lLahoretory enalysia of food sasples froa Encu ao tte Chr we * . Beh L eras oy . wate oe wt lgta: Soe on ¢he possible use of this island by the current residerts Of Biking Yeland, feRRS A . Pao lest Ne ‘ a hy . _ Egeland and an up-to-date report froa the beparteent of Energy . a Ae Dear Dr. Livernan: ‘This ic a follewsap to the telephone conversation Mr. John E. . @aYoung of my staf€ bad on dune $9, 1978, with bh. Joe Deal, ‘“Aggistant Dirceter for Pleld OQnerattona, Division of mete RT Y ate. 5 t: & . &saistant Gecratary for Environment nom Be fhe residents of€icialiy kave requested the Bigh Commissioner ° |2 procure thin information Rina leave Bikiad Atel. ¥Yeu ‘ fiety, Tn ' SO WAT * gariens vere established by Ne Igland. Some ef the Pikind vir tf for thea eince thay Gp net wish . will recall that cimerinental facd | D.0.E. last autumn on Eneu 3 Foland residents have been working in thesa experimental qexedens and they cannot understand why arn . B.0.E, doesn't ksave sny results aveilebie, other than a canmpling of some 19 cocomute. Mr. Beal also in his testisony te the House interior Anproprictians Gubceswittee at the grabSy es Flay 22, i979, hearing, roferred to “food samples and other oO crepes thet are now in the pipeline being analyeed®. Ha stated. that the results vould bo out in a fey months. | ee In view of the reluctance of the residents to leave Bikini’ Atoli, if ic imperative that we furnish thea and the Subcoa- fitieea an up-to-date analysis of the situation on Bneu island Tae, wee “3” within the next wuistydays. Fhe Bikinians have acked the Eigh Commissioner to delay.« deciaton on tha site for a teagorary ce . “, Eelecation until such an analysie is available. | te Therefore, I az requesting that D.O.B. qiva tiie matter the highest of priorities. Kepresentatives of the Sikinians will ;ba present at the Juna 19, 1978, House Interiex Appropriations tit: Subcommittee hearing on Bikinis and this matter cbvicusly wilk . be Kaised at ie we that ¢iea aleo. TM “BEST COPY AVAILABLE, 5018994 i” *: c™ w _ wy . ‘ oa ayes a ’"a ao # f : aera Ee yoo, <t . % a a . + lites gee Pre ioe PEE ee etetl Br. dances bE. Ldéverman ey, ee bee KE JUN 12 17g 8 seit atch a x GC. Pat ee ney a: ad teed Reg oon ~ “ -. : ‘ ay “ l¢ ik bk Meee g:. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY WASHINGTON, D.C. 202460 a ate o , Neal © a) ’ United States Department of the: Interior ass eee a ae” , . oi op Lal wg cogleee a re eea SOUS glBa PO Ee . Be x *. . af ae * ” he me” 4 . . 4 ert ry : ALTO 4