teedote gs! komt are a oe tt ods wee : * . ts 7 4 - , “44 if hs isc? pee ata he veg ye oo A r F 2. s$ ’ wT ‘RS you doubtless: know, wea have already taken the public ‘position that Eneu is unsafe, and that it ought not to be used as on alternative to Bikini. With D.O.E.‘'s concurrence, I ‘stated the following on May 22 before the Housa Appropriations ~~ Subcessmittee: “fhe Comittee will recall that when we testified before You a month coo, we anticipated, on the besis of the fe those predicted on the besia of the known cesium and strontium content of the coil, _Recordingly, vo have coneste’. that wa pact eliminate Enew aS .an. altemative . : gite™ th then co Bnew, as head bean the Bikinians! hope end ours®. _ SaltedeT. “fhe test results reported by tha Departeent of Energy lead the Interier Pepartment end the Government of the Trust fTerritery co two conclusions: we Bust move all of the current: eeaidents of Bikini Island off that island, as quickly sa we are able to do so; we must not move FE the foregoing conelusions concerning thea unavailability of. Gneu are net corrach, we must knov that fact presmtly. The information we received from D.O.5. in Hay supported the abova categorical etatenents. If there ig any doubt from 5.0.8." . Btandpoint as to the conclusion atated.cancerning Eneu, waclearly need to know of it prouptly. Any camaents you can offer prior to our earring acheduled for June 19 would be helpful. Wa shall hope to hear fros you by then. Sincerely yours, @RS, RUTH G. UAT CLEVE” fon de me yh : Meg. Buth G. Von Cleve Director _ Office of Territorial Acfairs us ne fay | weer gittt ihe it f 44 pte 3h ' * te ae i“tka Wey ‘Tt hast information then available to us froa the Depart- ment of Energy, that if it vere necarngary to move the Foople of Bikini Iekend to an aitermative, safe site, we could expect that the nearby islend of Eneu would be avalleble for that purpose. Last Thureday wa learned that tents c€ a Limited scple Gk focdstuffs crowing on Eneu showed an uptuke ef radionuclides much in excess of I0108495