Delegation in the Trusteeship Council and Spokesman
of the Morshall Island Petitioners
I was born on October 12, 1919 in the Marshall Islands.
liy early schooling was at home. ify parents were my first teacherse ©
At Wi years of age I attended a mission school where jue ricans (liissionaries),
Japanese and iiarshallese teachers were the instructors, The language used as
the medium of instruction was Harshallese, but English and Japanese were also
taught as foreign languages, This school was located on Jabwar Island, which
was the seat of the Japanese administration for the Harshall Islands, The
subjects tere about the same as those that are taught in the /merican
elementary school level; but unlike the American schools the ages of the
Students varied fram the e:rly teens to the late trenties, Students promotion
from a lover grade to a hisher one depended entirely on their speeds, Those
who finished the school on Jebivar Island satisfactorily were eligible to go on
to the advanced school on Kusaie Island, which is in the Caroline group,

Kusaie Island is about 300 miles west from the Narshall Islands.

I went to the athool on Kusaie in 1936 and finished it in 1938

It was

probably the most advanced educational institution in the former Japanese

Mandated Islands, nov the present Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands.

But it vas only equal to the Amricam Junior High School, plus a few
theological courses. The purposes and aims af this school were to train

future native ministers, Upon finishing this school I was sent back to the .
iHershalls to teach in the school there, the one I nreviously attended,
ify teaching career was interrupted after one year vhen I was recruited by the
Japanese to work in a phosphate pit, I spent almost all the war years digging
phosphate rocks with picks and shovelse

After the war I received a Navy (U.S.) scholarship and was sent to the

University of Hawaii for tro years

Recently, I received a Uel. Fellowship and I went to New Zealand,

Samoa and Fiji to study Public school administrations

I have trevelled throughout most of the Trust Territory, which comprises

the ilershalls, Carolines and the Marianas, an area larger than the United States,

but they say that if you take away all the water from the land area the remcinder vill be smaller than Rhode Island.

Beside trevelling throughout the Trust Territory, I have also been to
Havaii, Japan, as well as New Zealand, Samoay Fiji and now the United States ff
america, Coming to America is a dreem come true. I have alvays wanted to see
the Unitad Stetes since I was a voung boy. I read about it, sar pictures of it,
Studied about it,/t#ught by people from it, and drzamed that some day I would
see it.


I am married and have four childrene


6, 4

and tivo





A boy, li years old, and three

ee RH

Immediately after the Uershalls were captured by the Are rican Armed

forces I trent to tork for the United States Navy .Gilitary Gaermment as an

interpreter and guide,

served in thiscapacity.

I vas among several other liorshallese young men tho
Our main task was to translate the proclamations,

ordinanees, and other literary materials, issued by the Uavy, into llarshellese.
Every notr end then ve also did intelligence work by going into areas still held

by the enernye

“e were under Japanese ruling for over thirty verrs and the reason vs
turned against them was because after thirty years of peeceful living an

obeving their rules they paid us vack by tr-ating us badly, even “:illing any
of our teonle.
sana os


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