Statement by
ob Mr. Frank E. Midkiff, High Commissioner of the
Trust Territory of
of the Pacific Islands
As Mr. Mason Sears has pointed out, there are good and sufficient reasons
why the atolls of Eniwetok and Bikini were selected by the United States for
some of her experiments with atomic weapons and for learning of the potentialities of nuclear fission. Also he has explained why such experimentation must
continue. He has stressed the fact that the Administering Authority has now

been able to set up revised specifications for the teats on the basis of
experience whereby the safety, economy and comfort of the Marshallese can be
effectively preserved in the future.

Guarantees are given the Marshallese for fair and just compensation for
losses of all sorts.
No further atolls are believed to be required for these tests. The
Uterik people already have been returned to their atoll; the Rongelap people
will be delayed on Ejit Island in the Majuro Atoll for possibly another year.

During their absence from their home atolls the Rongelap and Uterik people

have been given the best of care by top experts in various fields.

Reassurance that these Marshallese will not lose title to and ownership
of their lands is one of their major concerns.
It is difficult to say when the people of Eniwetok and Bikini will be
returned to their atolls. Meanwhile the Eniwetok people are making a very
good adjustment on their new atoll, Ujelang. The Bikini people are established
on the Island of Kili which they unfortunately have not found entirely
They come across to Jaliut Atoll to raise their pigs on that atoll
and to fish in its lagoon.
In the meanwhile, special assistance now is being given the people of
Eniwetok and Bikini; their conditions are being improved, and their just
claims will be met.
It is believed that within the space of another year,
with all working cooperatively, these people will have made a good adjustment
in every reasonable respect. Their health is gocd and they are increasing
in number and in skills to deal with their new environments.
During the time they are away from their atolls, they will, retain title
to their lands which gives them a rental income and also preserves their
status in the social hierarchy.
I have with me Mr. Dwight Heine, who was one of the principal draftsmen
of the petition by the Marshall Islands people to the Trusteeship Council.
He has been invited to come here as a member of the United States Delegation in
order to be available to answer questions so that the Trusteeship Council may
have first hand information on the petition. His presence will also enable hin
to follow through to its conclusion the petition which he helped to

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