The Marshallese people were a very warlike people less than a hundred
years ago, but since then == after Christianized and educated by Amrican

Hissionaries -- we have laid dowm our arms and never picked them up since,

-During all this time, we have knorn of only one murder case and that was
over thirty years ago.

I have come here as a guest of the State Department to answer questions
that may arise when the Marshallese petition to the United Nations regarding
the last H-bomb test comes up before the Trusteeship Council for discussion.
Some cf our people were hurt during the recent nuclear test and we have asked

the aid of the United Nations of which the United States is a member, and to

which it is answerable for its administration of the Trust Territory, to stop
the experiments there. Or, if this is not possible, then to be a little more


I have noticed that it is illegal to set off fire-crackers in

New York to celebrate the Fourth of July.

I read in the paper that several

people were arrested for violating this safety rule.

The H~bomb is a

"super-fire-cracker" which needs "super-safety rules" in its handling.
I have great faith in the Americm people's sense of justice and I have

great hope that I will be able to go back and report to the Marshallese people

favorable answers resulting from this meeting which I have kindly been invited
to participate in by the United States Govemment as a representative of the

Marshallese people,

July 6, 1954

Hifi tt #


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