aand RES cCeen alieneted

“OrkKS @na reserves.

save to t216 tovernment for nec

The indizerncus innacitints om by

traditional tenure over 7/9ths of tne lana in the


and some :amoans own or lease cther land cy laurcpeén. types

Large areas cf lance recently 2: ulred oy the

Government of janoe

sre already ceing surveved crior to


of tenure.

cteing opened u» for use cy Samoans.

Consiiéeractle areas

of samoan land not at ctresent cultivetsd i72 cacrac:le of

new 2ealand reparation

states 14s rat vsgue.



is cleariy made subject to temporary sarefutras and conditions waich are considered necesstry,

until sucn time as

Samoe is self-governing, in order to evcid tco dangerous
cover 2nd resconsicility.

I nave

a divorce beteen

stat = S



'@lready referred to the estiolishment of 2 lccal advisory
nd t




ze of negoti-


I fear that the distiaguisned recresentitive of the
Soviet Union in saying that tne ~dministering auttiority
should spend the £509,035 reserve of tas
Government shows that he has hare failed to trasp coth
the constitutional position and che roliticel reality.

This woney can be appropriéted orly by the -egislative .
assembly of the Territory - the ..ssemcsly which votes virtually all sup oly end vasses virtually 211 legislation

despite the ‘lack of no ers” from which one or two distinguished members of

this Counci] think it suffers.

8 far as the £200, 00 accumulated srofits orf the New
Zealand Reparation

‘states are concerned the administering

authority has undertaken to srend this cniy after consultation with the
case means the

Cerritoriel “overnmcnt nic. in this


ana ¢v2. in this case

the local ~ssemoly could ocject to any creprosed exrenditure


if it “ished to.

Select target paragraph3