
Territory - & trust in

easily te disturbed.


nicn cannot

ana > 2 sd ioiiter-ne sutnority
°a@cvi¢2 of


samoans ir

nd xsyself cnce more on
common cround ‘ith tn¢ ilistinguished representative of

tne Soviet “Jnion.
be built.

2.ore nosvicels ara niided - they will

.ore sta_/f is needed - it “nll ce cbtéined.

But this cannot te

ioe in 2 day.

education he tried

education in

steadily regress xn

on @ taole on nage ! OL Besdy s
enrolled et Sovernmant

is argument,



rears Vary ceyond tne Limits o

improved and that


Yet on the

i ures for the earlier

eredibilicy’ and coes on

the quality of education “as

‘the mers coun

an unfair imprzssion of tne


port snoving pupil's

same page Or 3ceby says that the

to say that,

:amoa was


isacs ‘yould give

zgrovth of the

system of

primary education’.



these ani


the distinguished recresent ative comcletel, cverlooked
other similer remers in lr Beecy's resort and

apparently forgot the figures tn at, at his request, I
gave him on 2 July snowing the s veady prozress that has
been made auantitatively in éeduc ation in recent years.

He also ignored UN .SCO's comment s on education in Samoa.

Details appear in Peper T/PV 542
To = y that = am disavc>oirt ed in tris is to say no
more than the truth.

I ai, hove ver,

alvays ready to take

the Council throuch this statist ical junzle
anyone so desire.


again, shouid

To-vesg pleasantly surprised

when I discovered that, if taey could previde only 3,000


more slices tn3 cresent mission end Government school


Select target paragraph3