ignorant of the outside world as one

Council assume.

iamoans are not as

This reminds me to mention that

or two members of the

Yuite a number of ‘tamoans take overseas

newspapers cnd many of them listen avidly to new broadcasts
from overseas stations or from tne local station.
it is probably true,


as the distinguished representative

of ‘yria hos said, that in the modern vorii it is no longer
sufficient merely ta cultivate one's own zarden, the distinguished representative vill realize that samoans are
somewhat sceptical of the thesis that outside Samaa all

is for the best in the best of pessitle worlds.


do tsey regard their way ef life 2s the one known island
of stability in the vide s2a of meaninzless flux.
If Il may correct tne distinzuisned Seviet representative on one or two points in eonneetion “ith the Constitu-

tional Convention:

as far as I know, it is not intended

that any orficials should attend this Cenvention;

end as

fer as I know it nas certainly net beer. decided that only

matai should be present at the Convention.
enlarge on the position of the matai in

I shall not

.amoan society

but will refer distinguished members to my remarss earlier
in this debate.
as far as the economy of tne eountry is eoneerned

the administering s.utaority is well = are of the need to
improve agriculture in the Territory.

In fact the

Administering authority continually stresses this need
both in the Territory and in this Council.

It has taken

and is taking in conjunction with the Territorial Government,

steps to improve the position ~ consider for instance

the Zconomic Survey, the serial Survey, the activities of
the Departments of agriculture >oth in New Zealand and

the pioneering work of the ew Zealand heperation

Istates, the promotion of cooperatives, the ouilding of
roads and the other ‘orks which directly or indirectly
affect the productivity of the Territory.

The distinguished representative of the Soviet Union


will be pleased to learn that for many years no Samoan


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